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Strategies to enhance your reading scores on the GRE


Strategies to enhance your reading scores on the GRE

Certainly! Here are strategies to enhance your reading scores on the GRE:

Prioritize Scratch Paper Usage:

Utilize scratch paper effectively during the exam. Jot down key points from passages to refer back to while answering questions. This aids in better comprehension and organization of information.

Selective Learning Approach: 

Rather than attempting to memorize every detail in reading passages, focus on extracting essential information. Note key sentences that capture the main ideas, structural elements, and the author’s perspective.

Multi-Purpose Notes: 

Your notes should serve multiple purposes. Capture information that is relevant to various question types, such as those based on passage structure, the author’s viewpoint, and the main idea. This efficient note-taking helps address a variety of questions in one go.

Strategic Rephrasing:

 Develop the skill of rephrasing key sentences from the passage. This not only aids in better understanding but also equips you to tackle questions that require interpretation, analysis of the author’s stance, and comprehension of the main idea.

Renovation as Synthesis: 

Consider the act of note-taking as a form of renovation. By synthesizing key information, you are restructuring it in a way that enhances your understanding. This structured approach to notes supports a more comprehensive grasp of the passage content.

By implementing these strategies, you can optimize your reading approach, improving your ability to navigate through different question types effectively and boosting your overall performance on the GRE

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